Last week, the District hosted a Career and Technical Education Information Night for Parents.
Please click here to view the recording.
Last week, the District hosted a Career and Technical Education Information Night for Parents.
Please click here to view the recording.
Covered individuals and full-time employees may receive a copy of their 1095-C Form upon request.
Contact, 973-661-8803, or mail a physical request to 371 Franklin Avenue, 2nd Floor, Nutley NJ 07110.
Today, on behalf of the NHS Administration, faculty and staff, we would like to congratulate the academic achievement of the 119 students who achieved High Honors and the 451 students who achieved Honor Roll status for the 2nd Marking Period.
After monitoring the timing and severity of today’s winter storm, which is not predicted to conclude until after the opening of school, the Nutley Public Schools will be closed all day on Thursday, February 6, 2025.
We are pleased to be offering our Local Scholarship Program to the class of 2025. Thank you to all of our generous community donors for making this possible. The application process can be fully completed online. All the information you need
The Nutley Public Schools' Academic Supervisors, NHS Building Administrators and School Counseling Department will host a Scheduling Program for current eighth grade parents/guardians on Thursday, January 16th from 6:30-8:30 pm in the NHS auditorium. Over the course of the evening, parents will hear from each academic department regarding courses of study. Information will be presented that will assist in making course selections for ninth grade.
Earlier this month, the District welcomed Ms. Jennifer Lambert to the role of Math Supervisor, K-12. Ms. Lambert comes to Nutley from Lyndhurst Middle School, where, since 2020, she has been a Technology Specialist.
This month, Nutley High School welcomed Mrs. Ashley Barnes to the role of Vice Principal. Mrs. Barnes comes to the Nutley community from Teaneck High School, where she has worked since 2019 as a general education and special education teacher.
Dear NHS Families,
Each year, the NJDOE sponsors the nomination for the 2024-2025 Governor’s Educator of the Year Recognition Program to recognize educators who have gone above and beyond in their service to New Jersey’s students.
Please find the attached information from Pomptonian regarding the lunch program for the 24-25 school year.
Greetings to all Parents/Guardians and Students of the incoming Class of 2028!
Due to survey responses and concerns regarding excessive heat and humidity on Thursday, June 20th, the NHS graduation time has been moved to 10AM on the Oval.
As per the district calendar, please remember that schools are closed for teachers and students on Friday, June 7th. This is a returned snow day.
Please use the link below to view the photo gallery from Local Scholarship night, held on May 30th at Nutley High School. Congratulations to our award recipients and families, and thank you to our generous scholarship donors. Also, thank you to our event photographer, Carrie-Anne Vos, and Digital Photography Teacher Chris Heintze for the creation of the gallery.
Here is the link:
The District will be closed for staff and students on Friday, June 7th.
Thank you!
The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) in recognition of students who have studied and attained proficiency in at least one language in addition to English by high school graduation.
On May 20, 2024, Nutley High School students were recognized for their achievement for the Seal of Biliteracy.
Congratulations to All!
Congratulations on having your artwork accepted into the Inspired Minds exhibition at South Orange Performing Arts Center!
Dear NHS Students and Families,
Please remember that Nutley High School is closed on Friday, May 24, 2024 and also for Memorial Day on Monday, May 27th. Classes will resume on Tuesday, May 28th following a C- Day Schedule.
NHS Main Office
DataJam is a data science activity and competition for high school students to introduce, encourage and engage young people in data science in any subject area. The program is sponsored by Caldwell University and is affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh. This year's all female- team was the first ever team to participate from NHS- their area of focus was " Factors Affecting Congenital Heart Disorders in Newborns".
Way to go!
Please see the attached Evaluation Committee Report for the Food Services RFP 2024-2025:
The New Jersey Department of Education has released school and district grades as per the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights (ABR) Act. Each school was required to evaluate its implementation of the ABR Act from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 using the self-assessment tool provided by the NJDOE.
The Nutley Public School District has posted its Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act grades for the 2022-2023 school year to the district's website, the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying website, and each individual school's website.
Nutley High School Athletes participated in the Essex County Special Olympics Track and Field event on May 1st, 2024. They participated in the 50 meter race and the softball throw. Our very own Nutley Athletes earned many gold, silver and bronze medals for events. We couldn't be more proud!
Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of the Nutley school district, in the County of Essex, of the State of New Jersey, that a Public Hearing will be held in the Nutley High School Auditorium of the Nutley Board of Education, 300 Franklin Avenue, Nutley NJ 07110, on Tuesday, May 7th, at 6:30PM, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on the following budget for the 2024-2025 school year.
Dear Students, Families and Staff:
Students from the Rutgers Health Science Careers Program at NHS attended Hackensack Meridian's School of Medicine's "Physician for a Day". Students spoke with a panel of medical students, toured the campus, and participated in station activities.
After three exciting days at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, NJ, we would like to congratulate Brandon Toranzo, Isabella Bobadilla and Carina Rivera for wrestling at the 2024 NJ Wrestling State Championship.
Isabella Bobadilla placed 8th, Carina Rivera placed 7th and Brandon placed third in the heavy weight division and ranked number 1 in the public school heavyweight.
Congratulations again on their accomplishments!!
Congratulations to the following NHS students for being selected for the 2024 Mt Olive Invitational Art Show at Mt Olive High School. The awards reception will be Tuesday, March 12th, from 6:30-8pm at 18 Corey Road, Flanders NJ.
Please see the bell schedule for testing the week of March 12th- 15th.
Congratulations to the NHS JV Cheerleaders on winning 1st Place in the Cheer Competition.
The Raider Girls dominated the SEC tournament with 2147 pins to capture their third straight county championship. Gabriella Lucivero lead the tournament with a strong 557 series and the high game of 224.
The Nutley Educational Foundation is a 501(c) 3 charitable organization established to provide alternative sources of funding for educational endeavors in the schools and community of Nutley. NEF was established in 2003, and has been re-organized and reinvigorated over the past 10 years. During that time, we have had numerous volunteers who have helped in specific areas of our organization who have now moved on and we need to fill these positions to be able to continue to serve our district and the community.
On Friday Februray 2, the Robotics Club Team visited the JHWMS Tech/STEM classes. The goal was to introduce the students to the offering of Robotics at NHS as a class & also for the ability to join in the Club Team that meets after school & competes on the weekends. The Robotics Club Team students demonstrated how a robot is built & allowed the JHWMS students to drive the robots. The middle school students were extremely engaged & enjoyed learning about the robots. They especially loved driving them! 🤖🎮
On Monday night, the Board of Education and the Board of Commissioners held a joint meeting at Nutley High School to commemorate their shared services agreement.
Please be advised that due to the weather forecast for Friday, January 19, 2024, all Nutley Public Schools will operate on an early dismissal schedule.
Currently, forecasting shows the winter storm intensifying in the afternoon. As we move into tonight, and tomorrow morning, we will be monitoring this storm for a possible school closure.
Afternoon Extended Day and all after school and evening events will be canceled.
PM PreSchool will be canceled.
The early dismissal schedule is as follows:
NHS 12:35PM
This past weekend the North Jersey School Music Association held auditions for the North Jersey Region 1 Honors Ensembles and I am pleased to announce that we had twenty-three
Due to the impact of the high winds and large amounts of rain from tonight's storm, the Nutley Public Schools will operate on a delayed opening schedule on Wednesday, January 10, 2024.
Due to the forecasted weather for tomorrow evening, a state of emergency has been declared beginning at 5PM on Tuesday, January 9th .
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting our first lunchtime parent virtual workshop of the year, this Friday, January 5th.
We are pleased to be offering our Local Scholarship Program to the class of 2024. Thank you to all of our generous community donors for making this possible. The application process can be fully completed online. If you would like a paper application inste
Congratulations to NHS student, Anthony Del Tufo, recognized by US Congresswoman, Mikie Sherrill as a 2023 Hero.
NHS Juniors and Seniors: Two Days Left to Register!
On behalf of the administration, faculty, staff and students of NHS, we would like to congratulate Ronan Somers on receiving the Eagle Scout Award with Troop # 22. Your outstanding work and commitment to our community is most admirable.
Congratulations again!
Nutley High School is collaborating with Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine this year to provide NHS students who are interested in a career in healthcare and/or STEM a direct connection with current students who are engaged in the process.
Eight medical students from HMSOM hosted a panel discussion at Nutley High School on Wednesday, November 29th at 12:00pm in the auditorium. Panelists discussed their journeys to medical school, answer questions about the pre-medical and pre-health path, and provided advice to those who are considering a career in STEM.
Congratulations to our 9 outstanding Nutley High School choral students on officially completing their 2023 New Jersey All-State Mixed Chorus concert series this past weekend!
On Friday, November 17, Mrs. Melchionne set up an afternoon to have members from the Kingsland Manor and NYU Fashion Intern come in and speak with our NHS Fashion History & Design classes, AP Studio Art and Humanities students.
NHS Core Ambassadors had the chance to read to Preschoolers at the Community School.
Please see the link below for upcoming NHS Fundraisers!
Click for the link .
Congratulations to the Girls Tennis Team for an incredible season! They were undefeated in their division with an 8-0 record by winning 5-0 in almost every match! Shout out to singles Alexis Fontanilla, Rebecca Caporaso, and Sindi Gjonbocari, as well as doubles Lara Hindistan, Marguerite Ziek, Marina Calleo, and Viha Kothakonda! Way to go girls!
A reminder that tonight is Senior Night when the NHS Varsity Football Team takes on Barringer at 6:30PM at the Oval.
Please join us as the NHS Counselors host a College Admissions Panel on October 19th 7pm-9pm in the NHS auditorium.
During this event, the representatives will address the rigors and complexities of college admission to simplify the process and facilitate an open panel discussion where students and parents/guardians are encouraged to ask any questions they may have.
Nutley Community,
In light of the recent events in the Middle East, we thought it was important to reach out to the Nutley community.
First and foremost, the District condemns all acts of terrorism, violence and hatred. We know that students may be affected by the current conflict and the graphic images and content on social media and news outlets. Please know that each district school has a counselor available should a student feel shaken or have the need to speak to a staff member.
Please be advised that Lincoln School will be closed tomorrow for
This morning, at 11AM, the District was notified of a fire at Lincoln School. The building was empty and therefore, no one was injured. The fire was on the roof and the auditorium was badly damaged. The District and Nutley Fire Department are now on site to evaluate the situation. More information will be communicated later today with the Lincoln School community directly.
Thank you
Kent Bania,
Superintendent of Schools
/*-->*/ /*-->*/ /*-->*/ Congratulations to the Varsity Cheerleading team on winning the Cheer for the Cure competition for the 7th year in a row!! Go Raiders!!!!
The Van Riper House was built in 1708 and enlarged in 1788. It was the home of John Abraham Van Riper, who served as a private in the Essex County militia during the Revolutionary War. Mr. Rosati's Archeology classes participate on site survey at The Van Riper House. Here are a few photos.
The AP Program recognizes high school students nationwide who have demonstrated outstanding college-level achievement through their performance on multiple AP Exams.
Please remember that the District will be closed for Yom Kippur on Monday, September 25th. A link to the school calendar can be found here.
On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 11:30am, the Nutley Public Schools will conduct a test of our School Messenger Communication System. School Messenger is used to notify parents/guardians in case of school related
At last night’s Board of Education meeting, the Board appointed staff members to three key District administration roles. Ms.
A reminder that the NHS Class of 2023 will graduate tonight at the Park Oval. Gates will open at 5PM. The ceremony will be live streamed via at 6PM.
This is an outdoor ceremony and all tickets can be used. For those who need an ADA accessible entrance, please use Chestnut Street.
The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Summer Food Service Program provides free meals when school is out!
1. Children 18 years of age or younger who come to an approved open site or a site to which they are enrolled.
2. Adults over 18 years of age who are enrolled in school programs for persons with disabilities may also receive meals.
As you are aware, recent Canadian wildfires have created poor air quality throughout the area. The district is continuing to monitor the region's air quality index, and will act accordingly throughout the day tomorrow, Wednesday, June 7th.
Parts of North Jersey, including Essex County, are under a red alert this evening. This means that air quality is unhealthy, and sensitive groups, such as individuals with asthma, will have difficulty outdoors. While these conditions remain, individuals are advised to limit outdoor activities.
Scholarship Donors, Student Recipients, Families & Community Members:
Congratulations to Mr. Dickerson and Sammy Vargas on May and June recipients of the Raider Recognition!
The NJDOE released the official school and district HIB grade report for the 2021-2022 school year. The grades/information can be found here.
Congratulations to Ms. Hidalgo, Mrs. Marohn and Christopher Bibbo on April's recipients of the Raider Recognition! Do not forget to nominate each month!
Students had the opportunity to meet and get to know some of our town officers. They were able to ask questions and learn about what it's like to be a police officer. This was a great experience for both the students and officers!
On Thursday, April 13, 2022, Nutley High School students participated in the annual Student Government Day.
Students learned about each of the various departments within the Township and the way Nutley Township is governed by shadowing their municipal counterpart, including the Mayor, Commissioners and department heads.
UPDATE: This morning’s threat has been resolved. The suspect has been located and the incident is being investigated. At 10:25AM, the Nutley Police Department confirmed to the district that there is no current threat. Students may leave for lunch and our day will continue as usual. As a precaution, the increased police presence will continue throughout the remainder of the day, districtwide.
Congratulations to Frida Alejandra Hernandez- Garcia, who was honored at the Essex County 2023 Unsung Heroes Student Recognition Ceremony!
Congratulations to the NHS Chess Club for their intense and friendly game of chess at the ABC Science Fair.
Congratulations to the following artists for earning awards and scholarships at the 36th Annual Mt. Olive Invitational Art Competition on March 7th. Julianne Carson and Adrianna Quinn received scholarships, Corbin Rakauckas earned 1st place in photography, and Cassandra Nesta was awarded Best in Show and received a scholarships.
Congratulations to the Honors Wind Ensemble who competed in the NJSMA Region I Concert Band Festival and won a Gold Rating and the award for Outstanding Percussion!
Congratulations to Ms. Benjamin and Nola Avanzato on March's recipients of the Raider Recognition!
Due to the weather forecast for tonight until tomorrow morning, the Nutley Public School District will operate on a delayed opening schedule for Tuesday, February 28th.
We will closely monitor the forecast and storm overnight and, if needed, you will be notified regarding any necessary closures.
A schedule, with the delayed opening times, is attached.
Thank you and stay safe.
Congratulations to the mock trial team on their 6th place finish in this year's Essex County competition. Senior attorneys and witnesses Maria Mathew, Sarah Nugiel, Ryan Rashiq, and Paul Ziek all had outstanding performances with high praise from judges.
Congratulations to Mr. Gaines and Frida Hernandez- Garcia on February’s recipients of the Raider Recognition! Don’t forget to nominate each month!
Congratulations NHS mock trial team! Excellent work representing the plaintiff last night at the county courthouse. Outstanding performances by seniors Sarah Nugiel, Ryan Rashiq, and Paul Ziek against Newark Academy.
On Tuesday, students from the Nutley High School Wind Ensemble and John H. Walker Middle School Symphonic Band participated in High School Band Day with Ms. Hamada (NHS Director of Bands) and Mr. Mayewski (JHWMS Director of Bands). Students from NHS and JHWMS performed for each other, worked in small groups, and had a chance to play as a full ensemble.
The Nutley High School Robotics Team, Raid-X, took 2nd place in their competition on Sunday, January 29, 2023 at the First Tech Challenge New Jersey Northeast Edge League Meet of the PowerPlay Season Match held at Livingston High School. They won 4 of their 5 matches, which gave them a place in the semi-finals. Then, they made it to the final round and took home 2nd place.
The Raid-X team, led by Mr. Campbell and Mrs. Battaglia, gave it their all during the competition.
Yesterday students from the Nutley High School Wind Ensemble and John H. Walker Middle School Symphonic Band participated in High School Band Day with Ms. Hamada (NHS Director of Bands) and Mr. Mayewski (JHWMS Director of Bands). Students from NHS and JHWMS performed for each other, worked in small groups, and had a chance to play as a full ensemble. Pictures below!
Congratulations to Silia Dimasi who applied for the National Honor Society Scholarship and is receiving one!
Congratulations to the following students who auditioned for and were accepted into the North Jersey Area Band and Region Band:
Congratulations to the following members of the NHS Indoor Track and Field Teams for their record setting performances at the Essex County Relays this past weekend:
Freshman Meya Ranges, sophomore Jaylin Romero, and seniors Adrianna Quinn and Marcella Blancato who smahed the school record in the Distance Medley Relay with a time of 13 minutes, 31.38 seconds. They broke the old record by an AMAZING 13.29 seconds.
And an hour or so later....
Nutley High School senior Nead Kojic is shown after taking first place in the 100- yard breaststroke at the Essex County Swimming Championships at New Jersey Institute of Technology on Monday, Jan. 16. Kojic swam a personal- best time of 58.77 seconds, becoming the first county swim champion in Nutley history.
The Nutley High School Robotics Team, Raid-X, took 2nd place in their competition on Sunday, January 29, 2023 at the First Tech Challenge New Jersey Northeast Edge League Meet of the PowerPlay Season Match held at Livingston High School. They won 4 of their 5 qualifing battles which gave them a place in the semi-finals. Then they made it to the final round but lost and took home 2nd place. The Raid-X team gave it their all and never quit as they progessed in the competition. They are looking forward to the final competition for the season next Sunday, February 5 at Bayonne High School.
Girls’ Wrestling is the fastest growing sport in New Jersey and in the country. Nutley High School is ahead of the curve.
We are writing to you tonight, out of an abundance of caution. Late this evening, we learned that earlier today, a school bus was stolen from Livingston. Police have confirmed that it has not been recovered.
Congratulations to the following students who were accepted into the 2023 Juried Art Exhibition at the Morris Museum!
Congratulations to the following students who auditioned for and were accepted into the 2023 NJSMA Region 1 Honors Chorus!
Congratulations to Mr. Heintze and Nicole Avallone on December’s recipients of the Raider Recognition! Don’t forget to nominate each month!
As we continue to plan for the future of the Nutley Public Schools, we have reached a point where it is critical to gather feedback from the staff, parents, and the community-at-large to assess the needs of the district and the priorities of all stakeholders.
We are including, below, a link to a Community Survey. Please take several minutes to complete it and share your thoughts. The survey will remain open until Friday, January 20, 2023.
We are pleased to be offering our Local Scholarship Program to the class of 2023. Both NHS seniors and non-NHS students who live in Nutley are eligible to apply.
Dear 8th Grade Students and Families:
The Nutley Public Schools Academic Department Coordinators, NHS Building Administrators and School Counseling Department invite you to attend our Scheduling Program for current eighth grade parents and students.
Hello Juniors and Families,
Please join the NHS Counselors for a virtual presentation on the college process this Thursday, January 5th from 7:00-8:00pm. The counselors will walk you through the steps on the process and procedure to apply to college, including: Finding your fit, application components, standardized testing, financial aid, letters of recommendation, college essay writing, and much more!
The 2022 Softball team had a legendary run last season and captured a NJ State Sectional Championship. To commemorate this event, the Nutley High School Athletic Department will present each member of the team with a Stat
Congratulations to the following students who made NHS' High Honor Roll for the 1st Marking Period.
Grade 9
The Nutley High School Athletic Department is pleased to announce the SEC and SFC Fall All-Conference teams. Below is a list of stud
Yesterday, we learned that Nutley was one of 27 public school districts in the state to receive Pre-School Ex
Please click here to read a Welcome letter from Superintendent Bania.
The Nutley Raider Football team will kick off its first official night game under permanent lights this Thursday, September 1stagainst their crosstown rival, Bloomfield High School.
August 11, 2022 - The Nutley Public School District has appointed five new district administrators this summer. Mrs. Brooke Benavides was named Principal of Lincoln School. Mrs. Jackie Devore was named Coordinator of Physical Education, Health and Wellness, K-12. Mr.
During the 2021-22 school year, the NJSIAA recognized the Nutley Public Schools as part of their Sportsmanship Appreciation Series.
Nutley was honored with a National Award of Excellence to commemorate this. The certificate is given on behalf of the NJSIAA, Board of Directors of the National Federation of State High School Associations and the Student Services Committee.
Congratulations to our sports leaders, coaches and student athletes.
Below are the drinking water reports for each school. Please click below to view the report.
The Nutley Board of Education is expected to appoint Mr. Kent Bania Superintendent of Schools at its June 27th meeting. Mr. Bania’s contract has been approved by the County Superintendent and he will officially take on this role on July 1, 2022, succeeding Dr. Julie Glazer who leaves the district on June 30th.
Today, we received word from the New Jersey Department of Education regarding next Tuesday’s Primary Election Day (June 7th) and schools that are open for public voting.
The Nutley Public School District will host a Sub Fair on Wednesday, June 8th from 2PM - 6PM.
We are all learning details of this afternoon's horrific event at an elementary school in Texas.
Join us for the 2022 Nutley High School Art Show on May 25 from 6-8pm in the Auxiliary Gym at NHS! Celebrate the creative accomplishments of our high school students, purchase a handmade ceramic bowl to support the Empty Bowls fundraiser (all proceeds go to NFSB), sample treats made by Culinary Arts students, and congratulate our 2022 National Art Honor Society inductees. See you there!
Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Grade - 2020-2021
The New Jersey Department of Education has released school and district grades as per the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights (ABR) Act. Each school was required to evaluate its implementation of the ABR Act from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 using the self-assessment tool provided by the NJDOE.
There was a police incident in Clifton this afternoon, which is now resolved. According to the Nutley Police, this incident has no impact on the safety and security of the Nutley Public Schools. Thank you.
After following the weather forecast closely today, and the prediction of severe thunderstorms, high winds and hail this afternoon, we have decided to cancel after school activities including all athletics, Math Strategies and other after school programs in the Nutley Pu
Please be advised that the power is back on at Nutley High School. This evening’s Spring Concert will go on, as scheduled, tonight, Wednesday, May 11, 2022, in the NHS Auditorium. Details are below.
7:00 PM - The Thespian Honors Induction Ceremony
7:15 PM - The Tri-M Music Honors Society Induction Ceremony
7:30 - NHS Choir Concert
In addition, Nutley High School will open for a regular day, tomorrow, Thursday, May 12, 2022.
Thank you.
After an all night effort, PSEG is still working to reinstate the power at Nutley High School. Due to the continued lack of power, Nutley High School will be closed on Wednesday, May 11, 2022. We will be in touch in the coming days to detail how this closure will impact the calendar and with more information on AP testing. Students and staff cannot report to the building.
We hope to have the vocal performance tonight as scheduled, but will send a message later today with details.
Due to a power outage at Nutley High School and PSEG’s involvement in the situation, NHS ONLY will operate on a delayed opening schedule tomorrow, Wednesday, May 11, 2022. The high school’s day will begin at 9:35AM and zero period will NOT meet.
Distributive Education Clubs of America, also known as DECA, is a club for high school and college level students that prepares them for a future career in the business field. Beth Christman, a junior at Nutley High School (NHS), has participated in the club since her sophomore year but it was completely virtual then.
As we move into Nutley Public Schools’ spring break, we are happy to share that COVID-19 cases in our schools and community remain low.
The Nutley Public School District announces the launch of the 2022 Superintendent Search.
For details, see
March 4, 2022
Dear Parents, Staff, and Community Members,
As you know, Governor Murphy’s mask mandate is set to expire on Monday, March 7, 2022. At that time the wearing of face masks in the Nutley Public Schools will become optional for all staff, students and visitors.
As we enter the Spring season and begin to host more events at our schools, please remember our permitted items procedures.
Given the magnitude of the current situation unfolding in Ukraine, the Nutley Public Schools offers resources for staff and families to navigate student concerns while also recognizing the moment for inquiry and further understanding. Please review the link here, from
Social-Emotional Parent Academy & Wellness Resources featuring Grief Speaks & Nutley Family Service Bureau
February 17, 2022 at 5 PM
Staela Keegan, Clinical Director of Nutley Family Service Bureau
Nutley Public Schools’ Parent Academy is pleased to present: Exploring Social Studies Curriculum Updates
Presented by: Joe Dwyer, K-12 Social Studies Coordinator
Today, Governor Murphy announced that the mask mandate in New Jersey schools will expire, effective Monday, March 7, 2022. He also
The Nutley Public Schools will maintain the health and safety of students, faculty, and other staff in accordance with adopted policies and procedures on each of the following health and safety recommendations established by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Executive Orders 280 and 281 extend previous executive orders for 30 days, and will expire on February 9th, 2022.
Please join us for our monthly Wellness Academy with Lisa Athan, Founder and Executive
Director of Grief Speaks, on Wednesday January 12, 2022. As a reminder, the first portion of the virtual
session will include a presentation on identified topics of interest relating to wellness. During the second portion of the session, Ms. Athan will provide support and also a space for you to connect with one another.
Please see below for detailed information regarding tonight's Wellness Academy:
As we continue to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to alert you to some changes within the district.
Notification Process
Nutley Public Schools' Parent Academy is pleased to present:
Supporting Social-Emotional Learning In Our Schools and Community
Presented by:
Jackie Devore, Vice Principal, Nutley High School
Meredith Gerckens, Coordinator of School Counseling
Laurie LaGuardia, Spring Garden School Principal
Janine Loconsolo, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Date: Thursday, January 13, 2022
Time: 7:00pm
First of all, thank you. We thank you for helping the district start 2022. We know that none of us could have imagined starting another year navigating COVID-19, and hope you and your families remain safe and healthy.
As many of you are no doubt aware, on December 27, 2021, the CDC issued a press release shortening the recommended time for isolation and quarantine for the general public.
As we move forward into 2022, I want to send a personal thank you for your support and partnership in helping our schools maintain safe and welcoming environments for our students. I am proud of the fact our schools have continuously stayed open, students and staff have continued to be safe, and students have been engaged in learning and activities.
Recently, we were notified by the New Jersey Department of Health that the CALI score will no longer be used to determine quarantine/monitoring rules.
Nutley Public Schools Parent Academy is pleased to present "Understanding Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying"
In this virtual session we will discuss Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying as it pertains to schools, including NJ guidance, policies, and procedures.
Presented by:
Joseph Cappello, MSW, SAC, District Anti-Bullying Coordinator
Kent Bania, Assistant Superintendent
Please see the attached letters regarding the Mandatory Re-Registration:
Re-Registration 2021-2022 Original Announcement
Re-Registration Reminder Letter
Please see the attached letter with updated details on the current status of COVID-19 positive cases in the Nutley Schools:
The Nutley Public School District invites you to gather in remembrance of our friend and mentor, Steve DiGregorio.
Sunday, November 14th at 11am
Nutley Park Oval
340 Franklin Avenue
Nutley, New Jersey
All are Welcome
Due to inclement weather, and the Governor's State of Emergency, the Nutley Public Schools will be CLOSED today, Tuesday October 26th.
Please stay off the roads, remain vigilant, and follow all safety protocols.
The Nutley Department of Parks and Recreation is offering a variety of weekly
Sporting programs for students with special needs.
FUN FOR ALL is an adaptive recreation program offering a variety of seasonal
Sports and social activities on a weekly basis throughout the school year.
Participation in the program will introduce your child to the tremendous benefits
Of sports where the focus is more on learning the basics, enjoying fitness,
Please join us as the NHS Counselors for the Virtual College Panel on October 21st, 7pm-9pm!
During this event, the representatives will address the rigors and complexities of college admission to simplify the process and facilitate an open panel discussion where students and parents/guardians are encouraged to ask any questions they may have.
Join via Google Meet:
It is with tremendous sadness that I share the news of the passing of Steve DiGregorio, former NHS head football coach, NHS social studies teacher, and Nutley alumnus.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Nutley High School's Virtual Video Open House is now available.
For your convenience, our teachers have recorded informational videos that you may watch at your leisure.
Also included, are messages from each of the school counselors, as well as Principal Williams.
We hope you find the Open House teacher videos helpful in learning about your students' classes.
All teacher videos are available via the link below, organized by Class Period and Teacher Name.
Open Houses and Back to School Nights help parents learn about their student/s daily schedule and goals for the year.
Bilingual Parent Meeting
Tuesday, September 21 · 7:00 – 8:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Commissioner Alphonse Petracco of the Department of Public Safety invites all township residents to a remembrance ceremony for victims of September 11, 2001 on Saturday, September 11, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. at the 9/11 monument site that is located in front of the Nutley Township Hall. Residents are invited to join Township officials, victim’s families, friends and clergy in remembering those who perished that day. Among those lost were three Nutley residents, Lt. Robert Cirri, Frank LaLama, and Dorota Kopiscko.
Dear NHS Parents/Guardians and Students,
On behalf of the Nutley High School staff, I welcome you to the 2021-2022 school year. We look forward to starting the year as well as sending off the 152nd Senior Class (of 2022) in June!
Please see attached the Student Return to School letter from Dr. Glazer.
Each district that receives American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief ARP ESSER) funds had to develop a plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services for all schools (Safe Return Plan) and make it publicly available on the district website by June 24, 2021.
The Updated Plan for Fall 2021, with the few revisions highlighted in red, is attached for your review.
Attention Students, Parents & Guardians,
Just a friendly reminder that Freshman Orientation is Monday, August 23rd at 9:00am.
Students are to enter the building through the Main Doors on Franklin Avenue. Please see email below sent on July 13, 2021 for more details.
Please be advised that masks will be required for this event.
Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Thank you.
NHS Admin.
I am pleased to share that the Nutley Public Schools will continue to provide meals to all students throughout the 2021-2022 school year at no charge to families under the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) federal meal program.
We are hopeful you have been enjoying your summer, and offer apologies for interrupting earlier than usual with thoughts of returning to school and work.
Please be reminded that meals are still available for all students, during the summer.
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
Please be advised that NHS will be closed starting on Monday, July 19th through Friday, July 30th for building repairs. Please be advised that visitors will not be permitted in the building. Also, there will be limited to no phone access due to building staff members being relocated to alternate locations within the district.
If you need to contact the Main Office, please email:
Michelle Alfieri-Alberti, Main Office Secretary,
The NJDOE released the official school and district HIB grade report for the 2019-2020 school year. Grades are below. As required by the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR), we are required to post the official report on the homepage of each school and the district's homepage.
Public comment on the Draft Safe Return Plan is now closed.
Thank you for your participation. All comments have been considered and the input was incorporated into the Plan submitted June 24, 2021.
We will offer another cycle of public comment in approximately 60 days, prior to the start of the new school year.
After repeated attempts to conduct the ART show in person, the district was forced to put it together virtually due to weather conflicts.
As the school year draws to a close, we will need to collect back all loaner Chromebooks and iPads that were borrowed from the district for virtual/hybrid instruction. Please click here for details.
Thank you to our generous community donors and our families for joining us on the live stream for our Local Scholarship Event, and congratulations again to our senior award recipients!
The event photos taken by Ms. Greco and our NHS Maroon & Gray staff have been posted in the gallery below. Click on "Photo Gallery: Courtesy of the NHS Maroon & Gray" to access the gallery.
Dear Staff, Parents, and Community,
This afternoon Governor Murphy issued masking discretion for districts during the next few days’ Heat Advisory. While not an issue in all of our instructional spaces, it is a concern. Relaxing the masking requirement is contradictory to the current Executive Order, and to the guidance from the CDC and Departments of Health.
Nutley High School Graduation has been scheduled for 10 a.m. on Thursday, June 24th. The information letter that was sent out to parents is attached below.
Dear Parents, Families, Staff, and Students,
Nutley, NJ (May 10, 2021) - At the April Board of Education meeting, the Board voted to appoint JD Vick Head Varsity Football Coach at NHS. Vick has been with the program since 2004 and served as the interim head football coach in 2019, when Coach Steve DiGregorio was on medical leave.
As per the District communication, the health department has determined that our cases and transmission rates of COVID-19 in New Jersey, and the downward trend in Nutley have lowered to the point where NHS has the opportunity to move to a FIVE DAYS PER WEEK learning model. You will now have another opportunity to choose your c
Over the past year our nation has experienced changes that could never have been imagined. The pandemic has changed the way we think and react to everything in our lives and has made us all appreciate the importance of unity, and that is with our families, our friends and with our neighbors. An initiative in town created several years ago called Partners in Peace, promotes the importance of inclusion, peace and solidarity.
Please join us, virtually!
World Language Honor Society Induction
Tuesday, May 4 · 6:30 – 8:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Virtual Instruction: April 12-16
Therefore, the Nutley Public Schools will be 100% virtual for instruction the week following Spring break, April 12 – 16, 2021, to mitigate the transmission of COVID due to the anticipated travel of staff and families over break.
Spring Break Travel
At last night’s Board of Education meeting, there was a discussion regarding the return to five-days per week of in-person instruction for students. This increase to in-person learning is proposed to begin on Monday, April 12, contingent upon the data collected in the portal.
Nutley High School Chamber Singers will be performing in an virtual choral performance collaborating with Scotch Plains-Fanwood Select Choir and the Montclair State University Singers.
The combined vocal collaboration will feature 170 voices in a performance of Cherokee Traveler’s Greeting by Kevin Memley which conveys the shared human values of compassion, honor, and mutual respect of Indigenous Americans.
Nutley High School Head Varsity Football Coach Steven DiGregorio retired from his role during an 8pm virtual meeting with the team on Thursday evening, March 4, 2021.
Please see attached letter from Dr. Glazer regarding the return to school for students: March 1 and March 8.
Please keep in mind the following protocols and procedures for the safety of our students and staff during in-person learning:
March 8th will be the first day of the hybrid schedule for Nutley High School for grades 11 and 12.
As discussed since the beginning of the year, students will attend in-person instruction by cohort, which is determined by the students last name. The letter days will remain the same (GGG and HHH). On G days, classes 1-4 will meet and on H days classes 5-8 will.
With students and staff returning to the buildings, we need to modify meal distribution. Beginning Monday, March 1, Grab & Go bags with breakfast and frozen lunch meals will be available for all the students attending school.
March 1st will be the first day of the hybrid schedule for Nutley High School for grades 9 and 10.
Discussion co-hosted by Nutley Public Schools and the Faculty and Students from the School of Medicine to answer your questions on COVID-19, symptoms, quarantining, vaccination, and more. Please submit in advance any questions you have about COVID-19 through this form.
Date and Time:
2/24/21, 7PM-8PM EST
Zoom Join Info:
Nutley music is part of who Vincent Vicchiariello is. Not only did he attend Nutley schools as a child, but he has taught at the elementary, middle school and now Nutley High School. So, it’s not surprising that he calls the Nutley band program a family. “When I took over as director at the high school, I made it a point to let the students know that we are all there for each other no matter what,” he said.
Please join me for a bilingual parent meeting with a special guest from Nutley Family Services on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at 7:00 pm for a short meeting where we will discuss many important resources for you and your students.
Here is the link for the meeting on Wednesday.
On Monday night, December 21, the Nutley Board of Education voted to approve the following:
A return to work, for all staff, in the buildings on Monday, February 22, 2021.
Students in grades PreK through 2, all levels of self-contained special education, grades 7, 9 and 10 will return to hybrid instruction in the buildings on Monday, March 1, 2021.
Students in grades 3 through 6, 8, 11 and 12 will return to school for hybrid instruction on Monday, March 8, 2021.
Billy Searle was selected to the All Groups All State team and is the first Nutley Raider to achieve this accomplishment in over 50 years.
The senior captain led an offensive line that rushed for an average of 278 yards per game and a perfect 6-0 along with an SFC Freedom Division Championship.
Junior Forward for the Nutley Raider’s Girls’ Soccer team, McKenzie Albert, was named to the NJ.Com/Star-Ledger Group 3 All State team.
Albert scored 21 goals and had six assists for the Raiders this year and helped guide her team to an 8-7-1 record and an NJSIAA playoff berth.
The 2020 First Team All SEC selection currently has 50 career goals and 16 assists.
Gennaro Longobardi, senior tailback; Billy Mielnicki, junior defensive end; and Mitchell Iaccarino, senior linebacker, all have been selected to the All State Group 3 team.
All three young men helped guide a balanced attack that enabled the Raiders to finish the season undefeated at 6-0 and win a SFC Freedom Division Championship. It was the first Division championship since 2015 and the first time the Raiders finished undefeated since 1929.
Steve DiGregorio, Nutley High School alumnus and Head NHS VarsityFootball Coach, was named NJ.Com/Star-Ledger Coach of the Year. In a COVID-19 season that has left the football world limping across the finish line, Coach D., as he is affectionately known, led his team to a perfect 6-0 finish and a SFC Freedom Division Championship. The Raiders offense averaged 278 yards per game on the ground, and scored 204 points in 6 games. Defensively the Raiders let up only 11 points per game.
The Nutley Board of Education will hold a Virtual Public Meeting at 6:30pm December 21, 2020.
This will be a virtual meeting conducted under emergency regulations N.J.A.C. 5:39 - 1.1 through 1.7.
Agendas and supporting documents are available here.
Public action will be taken.
Congratulations to our very own Coach DiGregorio for being recognized by as Coach of the Year.
On behalf of the NHS Administration, faculty and staff, we would like to congratulate the academic achievement of the 203 students who achieved High Honors and the 449 students who achieved Honor Roll status for the 1st Marking Period.
As you have been made aware, Nutley Public Schools applied for and have been approved by the New Jersey Department of Agriculture to provide all resident children under the age of 18 with breakfast and lunch. This program has been on-going since March 2020. We have now been able to extend our program through June 30, 2021.
Please view attachment which was released by the NJSIAA regarding Winter Sports Guidelines.
Please read the attached letter from Dr. Glazer and Mr. Piro regarding an update on the NHS football team.
At a special meeting of the Board of Education held last night, the Board voted to approve a resolution which will keep students in grades PreK through 6 and self-contained special education in their current hybrid schedule until Wednesday, November 25.
Please click here for important information regarding purchasing tickets for Saturday's home game.
Every fall, the AP Program recognizes high school students nationwide who have demonstrated outstanding college-level achievement through their performance on multiple AP Exams.
Congratulations to current NHS seniors who received the AP Scholar awards for them AP Program. These students received scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams.
The New York Giants and Gatorade have selected Mr. Steve DiGregorio of Nutley High School (Nutley, NJ) as the Lou Rettino High School Coach of the Week for Week 4 of the 2020 season. Coach Steve DiGregorio, a Nutley native, is in his 12th season as Head Coach of the Nutley Raiders. In 2017, DiGregorio started his battle with cancer, which caused him to have to miss the 2019 season as he began six months of chemotherapy.
Please join us as the NHS Counselors for the Virtual College Panel on October 20th 7pm-9pm!
During this event, the representatives will address the rigors and complexities of college admission to simplify the process, and facilitate an open panel discussion where students and parents/guardians are encouraged to ask any questions they may have.
Join via Google Meet:
Representatives Include:
Caldwell University
Drexel University
On Friday, October 2, the Nutley Public Schools announced a phased in plan for the return to school. The full letter can be found here.
Important dates are as follows:
Special Education, Pre-K and Kindergarten
The Nutley Board of Education hereby notifies all parents, students, employees and staff that the activities required by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) 40 CFR, Part 763.93 have been fulfilled.
Thank you for your patience, flexibility, and support as we begin this school year while navigating remote-virtual learning. We know that while exciting, the beginning of the school year can also be tiring and trying even with a traditional start.
As an additional way for students to connect with one another and their counselors this year, the School Counseling Department is offering live Virtual Meet-Ups! At the Elementary level, the grade level meet-ups will be held every other week. At the Middle and High School levels, they will be held weekly. There are also weekly parent meet
Greetings to all Parents/Guardians and Students of the incoming Class of 2024!
Dear NHS Parents/Guardians and Students,
Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year. As we begin in a virtual setting, I would like to take this opportunity to review some important information regarding the opening of school, scheduling and expectations.
We understand that our students and families are managing many emotions surrounding the anticipation of the upcoming school year, and facing challenges at the community, family and individual levels as well. As a part of our plan to support our community, we have scheduled wellness programming events beginning next week and encourage you to attend.
Student registration will not be done in person. Registration must be done online.
Please visit our site here:
Please read the letter attached, from Dr. Glazer, regarding the re-opening of school for the 2020-2021 school year.
In preparation for the next school year, we want to make sure that you are aware of summer assignments and how to access them.
At the July 27th Board of Education meeting, the Board voted to amend the 2020-2021 school year calendar. Staff will report to the district on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, September 1, 2, and 3 for Professional Learning regarding the hybrid instruction model that we plan to implement this fall due to COVID-19. Details on these staff days will be forthcoming.
Dear Class of 2020 Students, Parents, and Guardians,
We are pleased to announce that we will be holding an in-person celebration of the Class of 2020 on Thursday, July 9th. The rain date will be on Friday, July 10th (same time sessions). The celebration will take place at Monsignor Owens Field, 44 Park Avenue, Nutley NJ (please see directions for arrival/student drop-off and parking).
Please review the just released information from the Governor's office regarding September's Restart and Recovery Plan. As we develop our plan here in Nutley, we will update you regularly. Please continue to check your email and the district website this summer. Thank you.
As the year comes to a close, we would like to make sure you are aware of how to watch upcoming and past virtual events. This section has been created on the district website where you can watch all of these events, either at the time of their first showing, as listed below, or at a later time that is convenient for your family.
We miss our friend James here at NHS, but are happy that his memory will help our students! We are proud to announce Alexandra Protter and Kerri Holden as the first recipients of the newly established James Vincent Tricarico Memorial Scholarship! Congratulations! May these two student carry on James' kindness.
Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Grade - 2018-2019
Please see the attached letter for information about the schedule for NHS locker pick-ups and item drop-offs.
Please see that attached details regarding senior Chromebooks.
As you may have already heard, Governor Murphy announced that New Jersey high school Classes of 2020 may have outdoor celebrations, which can take place after July 6.
As we get more information on social distancing, capacity and acceptable protocols later today, we will begin planning with the community. We look forward to exploring ways we may continue to celebrate the Class of 2020 this summer and supplement our plans for our virtual graduation and other tributes. Stay tuned for updates!
The Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 19th, 2020 at 6:30 PM in the JHWMS Choir Room will now take place as a Virtual Online Meeting.
Formal action will be taken.
Agendas and supporting documents are available here.
May 9, 2020
Dear Nutley Parents, Students, and Staff,
Monday, May 5, 2020
Virtual Online Meeting 6:30 PM
Followed by the Regular Board Meeting
Governor Murphy announces school closures through the remainder of this school year. "This is a difficult decision and I know that many students, parents, and staff would like to be able to return to school," Murphy said in a press release. "However, I have been unwavering on the message that we need to make decisions based on science, not emotion. And while New Jersey is making great strides in mitigating the spread of COVID-19, science tells us that at this point, we can't safely re-open our schools."
Happy National Decision Day! Traditionally, May 1st is National Decision Day - a day for students to celebrate where they have decided to continue their education or career path after high school. We know that some colleges have extended their decision dates, so we plan to celebrate our students throughout the whole month of May this year!
NHS student Anais St. Amant was awarded a scholarship from Art Educators of NJ.
Also, NHS' Angeleah Rockford had work chosen to be part of Fresh Perspectives.
The Fresh Perspectives juried exhibition began in 1989 as an outlet for artistically-accomplished New Jersey high school students to express their curiosity and creativity. This year, the exhibition will be hosted virtually.
The Board Meeting scheduled for Monday, April 27th, 2020 at 6:30 PM in the JHWMS Choir Room will now take place as a Virtual Online Meeting.
Formal action will be taken.
For its exemplary record of leadership, service, and activities that serve to improve the school and community, the Nutley High School student council has been recognized as a 2020 National Gold Council of Excellence by National Association of Student Council (NatStuCo).
According to Governor Phil Murphy, all New Jersey schools will remained closed until, at least, May 15. He announced this at Thursday's press conference.
The Nutley Board of Education will hold a Special Virtual Online Meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 5:00 pm. A link to the online video meeting and a telephone number for audio-only will be posted on shortly prior to 5:00 pm.
Upon opening the meeting, the Board will immediately go into Closed Executive Session for an undetermined period of time to discuss a pending litigation matter.
April 9, 2020
Dear Nutley Staff, Students, and Parents,
The NHS Student Council provides their Virtual Update for the week. Click here to view.
PSE&G offers support to those who are struggling to pay their bills at this time. Click here for more details about their Home Energy Assistance Program.
Congratulations to the Journalism I and II students for publishing their March issue!
In this issue, the students look at the global effects of COVID-19, the recent death of Kobe Bryant, the NHS Wrestling Regional Tournament, Voter Registration and profile the NHS custodians.
Happy reading!
Please click here to read updates and information about Schoology Troubleshooting.
Please enjoy this new NHS virtual weekly update, created by Mr. Williams, Mrs. Devore and Mr. Materia.
Click on the below link to watch.
The New York Times Learning Network is running an editorial writing contest for high school students (aged 16 - 19) until mid-April. NOTE: the NYT contest is open to students as young as 10, but the younger ones can only submit entries through a teacher, so we are limiting this program to students 16 and up, who can submit on their own.
The Board Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 6:30 PM in the JHWMS Choir Room will now take place as a Virtual Online Meeting.
Formal action will be taken.
Please be advised that Altice offering free WIFI to those in the community who do not have internet at home. Below are numbers to call to access them. We are so grateful to Atlice for providing us support during this time.
Gov. Phil Murphy announced the spread of coronavirus in the state has prompted him to recommend the cancellation or postponement of all public gatherings of more than 250 people.
This would include the SATs scheduled for this coming Saturday at NHS and Cafe Night at NHS this Saturday as well.
For more information on the SATs, visit the College Board website here.
Cafe Night is postponed until May 30th.
Thank you.
Please review the permitted and non-permitted items procedures for our events.
Please enjoy the February issue of the Maroon & Gray by clicking here.
Congratulations to Nutley High School students for participation in the 34th annual Mount Olive High School National Art Honor Society Invitational Art Competition.
Each year, the Mt. Olive Chapter of National Art Honor Society invites selected high schools to send 10 pieces of artwork to the competition for consideration in a number of categories: Drawing/illustration, painting, sculpture, photography, digital art, crafts and open.
Close to 400 students, parents and staff members came out last night for dinner and a movie. In partnership with the Nutley Educational Foundation - NEF, the District presented a screening of the documentary LIKE, focusing on the perils of social media and the impact of technology on our lives. A panel discussion followed with NHS students, staff members as well as key members from our community. Thank you to all who came out for the event and for all those who helped make it possible especially Nutley Family Service Bureau and the Nutley Police Department.
National School Counseling Week is February 3-7, 2020. This week, we celebrate the unique contribution of school counselors and the tremendous impact they can have in helping students and families. School counselors help students in more ways than you realize, working to support students' academic, college, career, and social emotional development. This week we celebrate them! Take a moment to thank your school counselor.
Follow this link to learn more about the school counselors' role!
The Raider Donation Holiday Party took place at NHS on Friday afternoon. Students and staff raised close to $1,000 and purchased toys for children in need at the Newark Children's Hospital. All those who participated were invited to the pizza party on Friday.
Last week, NHS Spanish and Italian Honor Society students visited Yantacaw and Spring Garden schools to read to the students in both languages! We are proud of their fluency and desire to be role models in the community by stressing the importance of bilingualism at a young age," said Coordinator of World Languages, Mrs. Julie Mitschow.
NHS students attended the Jets' Sports Business Day. Students listened to Jets executives who work in business, sports marketing and management while receiving an exclusive behind the scenes tour of MetLife Stadium. The tour included 12 stadium locations, including the press box, locker room, premium clubs and field. The event was hosted by Mr. Ocejo and Mrs. Yasso.
Instant Decision Day is taking place at NHS all day today. NHS participating seniors are scheduled for on-site interviews with up to 11 different college admissions representatives and can be admitted and awarded scholarships right here in our building. It's an exciting day for our students. Good luck and congratulations to those already accepted! A special thanks to our School Counseling department for this exciting day!
The Nutley Public School district invites those interested to apply for substitute teaching positions. For more information and to apply, please click here.
This week, we are pleased to announce that the NHS Auditorium Restoration Project is officially completed.
Please join our NHS Patriot Club next Tuesday night, November 12th at 7pm for the annual Veterans' Day Program, which will be held in our newly restored NHS auditorium.
Pictured here are Nutley Public Schools' district administrators, teachers and Board of Education member as well as those who have helped to make this restoration possible.
The Nutley School District will observe the Week of Respect beginning Monday, October 7. In order to recognize the importance of character education, each school will provide age-appropriate instruction focusing on the prevention of harassment, intimidation, and bullying.
NHS senior and AP art student, Anais St Amant Senior AP art student recently received her acceptance letter into the Scholarship Class for Talented High School Students at The Art Students League of New York.
Anais is the lead Set Club painter and National Art Honor Society Finance secretary. According to her art teacher of four years, Mrs. Theresa Lappostato, Anais is, “a pretty amazing and humble student.”
Last month, Governor Phil Murphy signed a law that requires all schools to publicly post the Department of Children and Families’ Child Abuse Hotline number – also called the State Central Registry (SCR) – so that students as well as teachers and administrators are made aware that it exists and can easily call, if needed.
Please click here to read the Welcome Back letter from Dr. Glazer. We look forward to seeing staff on Tuesday, September 3 and students on Wednesday, September 4.
The below forms are now available for the 2019-2020 school year.
The AP US History students at Nutley High School completed an Oral History Capstone Project in which they interviewed members of the community, school or their family in order to gain a better understanding of a person’s life experience and the impact that had on either our town or their family. Some of the interviews conducted include: Mayor Joseph Scarpelli, Former Mayor Joanne Cocchiola, Lt. Christopher Rosati (NHS History Teacher), Former BOE Member Patti Williams, Nutley Hall of Fame Member Dr.
Summer meals are served free to children and teens 18 and under in communities across New Jersey.
No enrollment, no I.D. required. Click here for more information.
All K-12 students attending the Nutley Public Schools during the 2019-2020 school year will have the opportunity to select books that they are interested in and motivated to read during the summer. By providing students with an element of choice, we believe that the students will be more engaged and committed to read this summer.
View the Nutley Public Schools Summer Reading Program "Choice Matters" here.
The New Jersey Department of Education has released school and district HIB grades as per the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights (ABR) Act. The Nutley Public Schools has posted its Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act grades for the 2017-2018 school year to the district's homepage, the HIB webpage, and to each individual school's webpage. These grades were determined by a district self-assessment released by the New Jersey Department of Education Commissioner. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Joseph Cappello, the Anti-Bullying Coordinator, at 973-661-8989.
Dear Nutley Parents, Staff and Community Members,
Tonight, we will watch as our Nutley High School Class of 2019 graduates walk out onto the Oval for the last time as our students. When they next return, it will be as alumni.
We are so proud of their individual and class accomplishments; academically, athletically, artistically and as members of the community. In addition to these achievements, the Nutley Public School district has much to celebrate this year as well.