Department of Special Services
371 Franklin Avenue, 2nd Floor
Nutley, NJ 07110
Phone: (973) 661-8814
Fax: (973) 320-8369
Ms. Amy Giaccio, Supervisor of Special Services
The Nutley Department of Special Services, in compliance with the New Jersey Administrative Code, provides quality education to its students who are educationally disabled and require special education services. Emphasis is placed on facilitating inclusion in the least restrictive environment to the fullest extent possible. Programs are assessed on an ongoing basis to ensure that students’ individual needs are met. A range of placement options is available in accordance with Individual Education Plans. These placements include:
• Regular Education with Supports and Services
• In-Class Support Resource
• Pull-Out Support Resource
• Resource Center Support
• Resource Center Replacement
• Self-Contained
Child Study Team
The Child Study Team evaluates and determines eligibility of students for special education and related services; coordinates the development and management of various aspects of the individualized educational programs; delivers related services such as individual and group counseling based on individual needs; and provides services to the general education programs regarding techniques, materials, and programs for students experiencing learning difficulties.
Our Special Services Staff is comprised of experts in their fields who are dedicated to developing education plans and delivering services vital to meeting each student’s needs. Our staff consists of Child Study Team case managers, Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist. Physical Therapists and related services providers, as well as behavioral, social skills, ABA and psychiatric consultant personnel.
Parental Rights in Special Education (PRISE)
The NJ Department of Education Office of Special Education has issued a revised copy of PRISE. This document replaces previous copies of PRISE. This update is aligned with N.J.A.C. 6A:14-2.3(g)7.
To access the document, click here.
The Nutley School District is committed to identifying students with disabilities that affect their ability their educational experience. If you are concerned that your child's development is delayed or that he/she is having difficulty learning, please contact us. You can make a request in writing by sending a signed letter to Special Services - Attn: Amy Giaccio or email and