Dear Nutley Parents, Staff and Students,
I was surprised, today, when I saw my 2019 calendar and realized at this time last year we were preparing for the District-wide Art Show, Music Booster and Choir banquets, preparing to honor our Governor's Teacher and Support Staff members of the year and communicating about year-end events. And here I am already back again to write to you today to share some of the plans and dates for important year-end events and school milestones for this school-year.
When we entered the buildings in September, no one could have imagined how this year would end. We feel disappointment for the Class of 2020 that their last year in the halls of NHS was cut short, spring sports cancelled and year-end events altered. As a District, we share in your sadness and frustration that this school year will not conclude in the traditional ways we may have otherwise celebrated, but rest assured that plans continue for meaningful rites of passage and events.
Since Governor Murphy’s Executive Orders will remain in effect until further notice, only virtual graduation ceremonies and related celebratory activities can be planned at this time in an effort to ensure the health and safety of the school community during the COVID-19 emergency. Although the following events will be held virtually, our staff, teachers and administrators will do their very best to make these events memorable and honor our very deserving students and the families who support them.
More specific details will follow to the appropriate groups, but please see key dates below for virtual events.
World Language Honor Society: Thursday, May 21st at 7PM
National Honor Society: Wednesday, June 3rd at 7PM
Field Day (Kindergarten-Grade 6) Friday, June 5th
Senior Scholastic Awards: Tuesday, June 9th at 7PM
NHS Senior Prom, Thursday, June 11th at 7PM
Pre-K Graduation, Wednesday, June 17th at 10AM
Kindergarten Graduation (all elementary schools): Thursday, June 18th at 10AM
Sixth Grade Graduation (all elementary schools): Thursday, June 18th at 2PM
John H. Walker Middle School 8th Grade Promotion: Friday, June 19 at 10AM
Spring Senior Athletes Recognition: Monday, June 22 at 6:30PM
Nutley High School Graduation: Wednesday, June 24 at 6:00PM
In addition, the NHS Senior Class of 2020 can look forward to receiving caps and gowns, a Raider Ride car procession, and some other fun surprises (the good kind!) to honor and celebrate their accomplishments. We will share specific information with you as soon as we are able.
Yesterday, Governor Murphy reminded us to stay home and stay healthy, and he shared his hope to be able to resume in-person celebrations before the end of the summer. We embrace that hope, and if the executive orders allow prior to July 31, we will celebrate our graduated seniors together. If this is not possible, depending on social distancing restrictions in the future, we will look forward to a celebration of the Class of 2020 in the Oval later this fall.
NHS Class of 2020, you are supported by an army of parents. It is their goal, if and when it is allowed, to restore some of your cherished in-person events. They are already planning and organizing! These dedicated folks, as well as the full Nutley community are with you! I am hopeful the knowledge that so many people care and wish you well boosts you up and makes you feel that you can be resilient. We truly are Nutley stronger together!
Dr. Julie Glazer, Superintendent