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As per the District communication, the health department has determined that our cases and transmission rates of COVID-19 in New Jersey, and the downward trend in Nutley have lowered to the point where NHS has the opportunity to move to a FIVE DAYS PER WEEK learning model.  You will now have another opportunity to choose your child’s current learning model selection based on this updated information. 

You will now select between “IN PERSON LEARNING” which means your child will attend school every day, or “100% VIRTUAL LEARNING” which means your child will log into their classes remotely every day.

Please be advised that the letter day calendar will remain the same and we will continue to follow the pattern we have been using all year (three G days, then three H days).   On G days, students will attend classes 1-4, and on H days, students will attend classes 5-8.  

The portal will remain open for you to log in and make changes through Friday, 5/7 at noon.  Your new learning model selection will take effect on Monday, 5/10. 

Please review the updated daily schedule for NHS that will go into effect on Monday 5/10: 




7:55-8:40 am

Zero period

Teacher Prep


Teacher Prep

8:40am-9:10 am

Student entry/processing into building

Student entry/processing into building

9:10am-10:06 am

Class 1

Class 5

10:10am-11:06 am

Class 2

Class 6

11:10am-12:06 pm

Class 3

Class 7

12:10pm-1:06 pm

Class 4

Class 8 

1:06 pm

Student dismissal from building

Student dismissal from building

1:06-2:06 pm



2:06-2:53 pm

Virtual Office Hours/

Asynchronous Learning

Virtual Office Hours/

Asynchronous Learning


Face Masks must be worn at all times in the building.

Social distancing between student desks will be at 3 feet, and a distance of 6 feet will be maintained between staff and students. 

Students should arrive at school between 8:40 AM and 9:10 AM. for processing.

The daily electronic screening tool should be completed by 7:55 AM.  Temperatures will be taken daily prior to entry. 

Zero Period is from 7:55 to 8:40 AM.  Students should arrive at school by 7:30 AM for processing if attending zero period. 

Grab and Go lunches will be available at 1:06 PM daily

Please reach out with any questions,
NHS Administration


The Nutley School District serves approximately 4,100 students in Kindergarten through grade 12. The five elementary schools serve students K-6 and include Lincoln School, Radcliffe School, Spring Garden School, Washington School and Yantacaw School. John H. Walker Middle School serves students in grades 7-8 while Nutley High School addresses the needs of students in grades 9-12.