Welcome back to a new school year!
We are hopeful you had a fantastic and well-earned summer break. We missed you and can’t wait to begin our learning together again. The start of school will look different this September than it has in previous years, as we begin our school year virtually tomorrow. We cannot let COVID-19 be the excuse or a reason for not looking forward with enthusiasm to 2020-2021. While nothing can truly replace in-person interaction and engagement, we are confident that we can create high quality learning experiences for our children. While we will use technology to facilitate a significant amount of teaching and learning, we are emphasizing community-building, well-being, and educator to student and peer connections, as well.
Staff have worked diligently, and the resulting virtual learning program includes compacted curricula that is comprehensive and adaptable to our current on-line setting, and the eventual return to in-person instruction. The use of consistent curricula, Schoology as the learning platform, and best practice strategies for the delivery of instruction will provide equitable access to rigorous education for all students, regardless of whether they begin their learning at home, or transition back into the classroom. And because the District recognizes that the Spring closures resulted in learning loss for some students, the 2020-21 year will emphasize standards and skills, particularly in math and literacy, that are essential for students to master. In addition to the academic component, there is a primary area of concern for social emotional learning that we have also incorporated. The health and safety of students and staff have been our first priority, and will remain so as we continue to work toward re-entry to the school buildings.
There will be bumps along the road and we are not pretending to have all of the answers. But we have been committed to working collaboratively to problem solve at each step of the way, and we will continue to strive to meet the diverse needs of our community. I remain confident that continuing to work together with open lines of communication, we can also continue to provide the best learning opportunities we can provide for our Nutley students, while balancing, and doing our very best to create learning environments that are safe.
Although we are virtual, each morning, by 9:00 AM, parents should complete the screening form in the parent portal of Realtime https://www.fridayparentportal.com/nutley. Parents should assess their child for signs and symptoms of illness, and take their child’s temperature, which must be below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. If the form is not completed, you will receive a call from the school nurse. Daily reports will be shared with the Nutley Department of Health. This will help us, and the Nutley community be prepared for our eventual return to the school buildings.
Students need to sign in to Schoology at the Elementary level to be ready for morning meeting each day at 8:40 AM. Students should click on their homeroom teacher’s “course” where they will find a “Welcome and/or First Day of School” assignment and a link to join the Google Meet.
JHWMS students need to sign in for group time (Schoology Group) at 8:00 AM and then will report on Tuesday September 8 to period 4 at 8:45 AM.
NHS students need to login to class 1 at 9:10 AM. If a student is participating in zero period they must log in at 7:55 AM.
Google Meet links can be found on the Schoology class page. (Secondary Google Meets links can be found under UPDATES on the class page).
For a video introduction to logging into and navigating the Schoology Learning Management System visit
For support with technology please contact VirtualLearning@nutleyschools.org
All Nutley resident children under the age of 18 regardless of school or eligibility for free/reduced lunch are able to be provided with fresh grab and go meals. Meal pick-up will still be Tuesdays and Fridays at John H. Walker Middle School. Curbside pick-up of meals will take place outside of the Middle School gym.
Please access the drive-through by entering from Hillside Crescent (off of Chestnut Street). Contact free pick up is available by allowing access to the trunk of your car. If you are walking up, please wear a face covering at all times. Meal pick up is between 10:30AM and 1:30PM Tuesday and Friday.
- When possible, last names beginning with letters A-M should pick-up between 10:30 AM and 12:00 noon.
- When possible, last names beginning with letters N-Z should pick-up between 12:00 noon and 1:30 PM
- Any child under the age of 18 can pick up the meals for the family. Students will receive lunch and breakfast for each day covering Monday through Friday. Volunteers will have families sign for the meals and maintain the roster.
- Any adult 18 years or older who is requesting meals will be required to show proof of Nutley residency (driver’s license, utility bill, lease document, etc.) and provide children’s names and ages. Failure to provide the necessary Nutley residency documentation will result in a denial of grab and go meals.
- No resident will be denied services, as we continue our partnership with the Nutley Family Service Bureau. The Nutley Family Service Bureau maintains the community food pantry responding to the needs of those among us who experience food insecurity. If a person or family needs additional food support, they are instructed to call 973-667-1884. Information is also available on the NFSB website, https://www.nutleyfamily.org/food-pantry
We know that the return to virtual learning likely brings up a lot of emotions for your children and for you. We know how much our students long for that personal interaction with their teachers and friends. We know that many of you insure education is happening at home while likely balancing many other personal and professional commitments. This is challenging and we appreciate each of you for your efforts in support of your child(ren)’s learning. While we remain remote you can expect our educators to deliver virtual learning that will meet the needs of the learners in their classrooms through live engagement, regular instruction, meaningful learning tasks, monitoring and responding to student learning, and leaning into stronger routines and communication practices. As a district, we will continue to be receptive to feedback to strengthen the learning experience of our students. We will also communicate regularly to provide continuous support as well as updates.
On behalf of our educational community, we are looking forward to welcoming you and your students to the new school year. We are truly Nutley Stronger Together!