TREP$, short for enTREPreneur$, teaches students in grades 4-8 how to start their own businesses in 6-8 weeks. They learn the lessons in the six weekly workshops, and apply them at home as they build their business with the help of their families. The whole school community comes out to enjoy the TREP$ Marketplace where the young entrepreneurs launch their businesses together.
TREP$ sessions will be held at John H. Walker Middle school (transportation will not be provided by the district). The TREP$ program will meet at JHWMS on Wednesdays on the following dates 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25, 4/1, 5/13. The TREP$ marketplace will be held on Friday, 5/8. The cost of TREP$ will be $55. This will be open for Extended Day students, as well as non-extended day students, and will be limited to 110 students.
Click on the link below to sign up!