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SUPPLY LIST – 2022/2023




Please label the following:

Lunch box


Folder with bottom pockets

2 containers of Playdoh

Reusable Water Bottle

1 box of Crayola Crayons 16 or 24 pack only

(Please no twistables, scented crayons, etc)

1 pack of good quality glue sticks

1 pack of black Expo Markers

1 eraser

1 change of clothes to keep in their backpack.


For Communal Use (do not label):

1 container of Lysol wipes

1 container of Baby wipes

1 Box of tissues

1 package of pencils

1 Box of Ziploc Bags (2.5 gallon size only)

First Grade

-Backpack (no wheels)

-Lunch Box (if needed) with name

-1 sturdy folder with bottom pockets & name

-Old adult t-shirt/art shirt in a Ziploc bag with name

-2 containers of Play-doh - with name

-Water bottle with name

The following Items should be placed in a zippered pencil case with name.


  • 1 box of Crayons (24 pack)
  • 12 thin markers-standard size
  • Erasers
  • 1 pair of scissors
  • 4 highlighters (different colors)

For communal use (no names):

  • 3 boxes of pre-sharpened Ticonderoga #2 pencils
  • 5 large glue sticks (good quality)
  • 4 Black thick dry erase markers
  • 2 boxes of tissues
  • 2 containers of Wet Ones or baby wipes
  • 3 containers of Clorox wipes


Second Grade

  • Backpack –*Please label everything*
  • 1 – 1”- 3-ring binder
  • 4 -1 subject spiral notebooks (Wide Rule)
  • 2 Folders with 2 pockets
  • 1 Zippered Pencil Pouch (NO pencil box)
  • 1 Pair of scissors
  • 1 personal sized bottle of hand sanitizer
  • 1 -Container of Playdoh
  • 1-Smock (name inside)

For communal use (do not label):

  • 1 Pack of BLACK Dry Erase (EXPO) markers (low odor)
  • 1 Pack of glue sticks with 5 or more sticks in the pack
  • 1 Box of Number 2 Ticonderoga pencils
  • 1 Box of 24 count crayons
  • 1-Box of tissues
  • 1-pack of 3 Post Its
  • 2 Containers of Clorox Wipes (BOYS ONLY)
  • 2 Containers/packs of Wet Ones (GIRLS ONLY)


Third Grade

Please label everything


Lunch box (if needed)

Zippered pencil pouch-no pencil boxes

2 boxes of 12 pencils

1 highlighter

1 Eraser

1 Scissor (student size)

3 boxes of tissues

1 bottle of Purell hand sanitizer

1 container of Lysol wipes

1 pack of Post-it notes

1 Pack Expo markers

1 box of crayons or colored pencils (8-16 count only)

3 Elmer’s glue sticks

1 subject spiral notebook

2 folders


Fourth Grade

Math:  One 3-subject notebook with pockets

Readers & Writers Workshop:  Two hard cover Marble Composition Book (100 sheets each

4-5 folders with pockets

Ticonderoga sharpened pencils  - send 2 boxes (total of 24 pencil) per student

Small pencil sharpener that can be placed in a pencil case

1 eraser or a small package of eraser tops

Erasable pens – blue/black ink only

A few expo markers for whiteboards

1 Black Sharpie Marker

1 red pen

1 highlighter

Zippered pencil case that can easily be stored in desk

1 pack of colored pencils (12 or 24 pack recommended)

1 glue stick

1 set of wired headphones/earbuds for computer use

2 boxes of tissues

1 Container of Wet Ones wipes

1 Container of Lysol wipes

Please make sure all supplies are labeled with your name!





Fifth Grade

2 three-subject notebook

1 five-subject notebook

1 accordion folder with at least six sections

1 pack of Expo markers

1 box of blue or black erasable pens

1 box of pencils

2 boxes of tissues

1 container of wipes

1 zippered pencil case

2 colored highlighters

2 pack – 3x3 colored post-its

2 glue sticks

1 box of colored pencils

1 box of crayons

2 regular two-pocket folders

1 hand sanitizer


1 pair of headphones to be left at school






Sixth Grade



  • 1- 3-Subject Spiral Notebook with pockets
  • 1- Graphing Notebook



  • 1- Plastic Folder
  • 1 - Single Subject Notebook 


Language Arts

  • 1- 1.5 Inch Binder with Subject Dividers
  • 2 - Composition Marble Notebooks
  • 1- Plastic Folder
  • 1- Independent Reading Novel


Social Studies

  • 1- 1 Inch Binder 
  • 1- Single Subject Notebook
  • 1- Plastic Folder



  • 1- Plastic Folder


Other Necessities:

  • 1 zipper-style pencil case
  • 1 extra folder for notices, etc.
  • 1 package of blue/black erasable pens    
  • 1 pack of #2 pencils-NO MECHANICAL PENCILS PLEASE!
  • 1 pack of colored pens
  • 1 pack of multi-colored highlighters         
  • 2 packs of 3x3 Post-its                              
  • 1 pack of EXPO markers
  • 1 pair of Inexpensive headphones/earbuds
  • 1 box of tissues              
  • 1 bottle of hand sanitizer (non-scented)



The Nutley School District serves approximately 4,100 students in Kindergarten through grade 12. The five elementary schools serve students K-6 and include Lincoln School, Radcliffe School, Spring Garden School, Washington School and Yantacaw School. John H. Walker Middle School serves students in grades 7-8 while Nutley High School addresses the needs of students in grades 9-12.